Monday, April 4, 2011

Travel Tip #1: Always bring a towel

Ok, so I don't carry a towel when I travel, but I do think it is very good advice.  The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy was on the mark on this count.  Towels are very versatile.  A towel can be used as a pillow, to sop up an embarrassing spilled plastic glass of Pinot Noir, or to add 20 pounds to your figure as part of your "fat guy" disguise as you quickly leave the bar without paying.  Airline out of blankets?  No problem, you have a towel.   In a pinch when traveling to cold climates, where of course you have forgotten your coat, it makes for an excellent scarf.  Need to taunt TSA?  Well, you have a turbin!  One of the reasons I don't carry a towel is the ubiquity of this useful tool at the hotel at your destination.  Take one, they won't notice.  You're actually helping the environment by not allowing that property to wash that thing two or  three times a week  Think of them as god's gift to travelers...a kind of kleenex for the weary traveler. I am sure you can think of many more uses than I, but figured the Guide would be a good way to start off this blog.

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